

Substance: Clomiphene citrate (Clomid),
Packing: 50 pills 50 mg,
Brand: Ultima Pharmaceuticals

SKU: 15425 Category:

After a steroid cycle is over, Ultima-Clomid from Ultima Pharmaceuticals aids in restoring hormone and testosterone levels. Clomiphene Citrate, the active component, is a member of the anti-oestrogen family.

Bodybuilders and athletes regularly take Clomid to prevent a very nasty side effect of steroid use since it is so helpful (gynecomastia). To increase guys’ exogenous testosterone levels, Clomid can also be utilised. This is especially important for anabolic steroid users who want to resume proper hormonal activity during post-cycle therapy, which takes place in the weeks after an anabolic cycle ends.

Read also about plan to use post-cycle therapy

Properties and effects of Ultima-Clomid

The advantages of using Ultima Pharmaceuticals’ Ultima-Clomid anti-oestrogen tablets include:

  • The liver is not adversely affected
  • When the medication is stopped, the testosterone levels start to recover to normal because of the positive effects of Clomid
  • Eliminates oedema by limiting the retention of water in the body
  • Production of oestrogen is stopped

Application and dosage of Clomiphene Citrate

Clomid is produced by the drug’s manufacturer, Ultima Pharmaceuticals, as tablets. Each of the 50 tablets in a package has a 50 mg dosage. It is advised to take between 50 and 100 mg each day.

You should take the medication for no more than four weeks, according to experts.

The initial effects of the medication appear a week after intake, and this is the time when they are most noticeable. On the other hand, the effects may last for up to 6 months following consumption.

Side effects of Clomid Anti-oestrogen pills

The liver is not adversely affected by Clomiphene Citrate, and it doesn’t contain any toxic ingredients. Studies have demonstrated that Clomid has no negative effects, thus you do not need to seek medical counsel. The medication is openly promoted and safe for use.

However, the following negative effects are probably to happen if you take more than the advised dosage:

  • Feeling queasy
  • The onset of allergic reactions
  • Headaches
  • Sleep disruption

Combination with other AAS

It is uncommon to include Clomid in an anabolic steroid cycle. Steroid users frequently utilise Clomid, Nolvadex, and HCG during PCT which begins seven days after the end of the steroid therapy. Compared to its relative Nolvadex, Clomid is thought to be less effective.

Reviews of Ultima Pharmaceuticals’ Ultima-Clomid

All athletes who use Ultima-Clomid from Ultima Pharmaceuticals concur that it is not only efficient but also secure for their bodies.





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