Tri Tren

(3 customer reviews) 1 sold


Substance: Trenbolone Mix (Tri Tren),
Packing: 10 ml vial 150 mg/ml,
Brand: Phoenix Remedies

SKU: 15402 Category:



3 reviews for Tri Tren

  1. Doug Phillips

    This Tri-tren from Phoenix is potent! I had the night sweats start on day 3 and my vascularity and definition was very pronounced by the end of the first week. This must be due to the shorter esters. The strength it provides on cycle is amazing too! Will use this brand again, as its like pure fire!! 5/5 for the Phoenix Tren!

  2. Alfred Hunter

    I like the phoenix tri-tren as it works much better than the single estered trens. This is a very powerful and effective substance. Gained 11.7kg of lean muscle in just over 8 weeks! The strength on cycle is umatched also. Such a great product from clernkenwell london.

  3. Dominick Underwood

    Best Tren combo ever! Having short, medium and long esters in makes this substance so effective. No water retention at all, only lean mass gains and mad strength increases! Pheonix is the one!

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