Trenbolone Acetate Injection 75

(5 customer reviews) 37 sold


Substance: Trenbolone acetate,
Packing: 10 ampoules (75mg /ml),
Brand: BM Pharmaceuticals

SKU: 549 Category:

One of the strongest anabolic steroids that aids in maximum muscle gain, increased endurance, and strength indicators is Trenbolone Acetate Injection 75, a steroid based on trenbolone acetate produced by BM Pharmaceuticals. The anabolic and androgenic effects of trenbolone acetate are very strong. Bodybuilders and powerlifters like it a lot because it is also used to dry out existing muscle mass.

Properties and effects of Trenbolone Acetate Injection

The drug’s primary characteristics are:

  • A quick and effective way to gain muscle mass
  • Strength indicators are raised
  • Burns adipose tissue
  • Raises insulin-like growth factor levels
  • Lowers cortisol
  • Boosts libido
  • It does not become oestrogenic.
  • Low hepatotoxicity is present.

Application and dosage of Tren A

Only men may use the steroid because, even at low doses, a woman may become masculinized and virilised when taking it.

An average cycle lasts between 4 and 6 weeks, and the dosage ranges from 50 mg to 100 mg every other day. Trenbolone enanthate should be used by novice athletes at a minimum dosage of 200mg per week to determine their tolerance to the drug.

Proviron must be taken if the steroid is taken for some time longer than 4 weeks to prevent side effects brought on by a fall in your testosterone.

Side effects of Trenbolone Acetate

Despite the drug’s benefits, it can significantly lower the body’s ability to produce testosterone. Additionally, if you misuse it or take more of it than is advised, you could experience negative side effects like rage, difficulty sleeping, skin issues, and elevated blood pressure.

Combination with other AAS

Due to its strength, the steroid is typically taken alone. However, combinations with other steroids like stanozolol, boldenone, and Sustanon are only advised for professionals with experience using steroids.

However, it is almost impossible to predict how such combinations will behave.

Reviews of B.M. Pharmaceuticals’ Trenbolone Acetate Injection

Among professional athletes, trenbolone acetate is very common. According to numerous reviews, the cycle can help you add 8–10 kg of high-quality muscle mass while also strengthening its definition.




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