

Substance: Nandrolone decanoate (Deca),
Packing: 10ml vial (300mg/ml),
Brand: Maxtreme

SKU: 527 Category: Tag:

Maxtreme’s N-Lone-D3000 is a traditional injectable steroid that is commonly prescribed for bulking. The active substance in the medicine is nandrolone decanoate, also known as Deca-Durabolin among bodybuilders. It has a high anabolic and a low androgenic impact (125% and 30% of testosterone, respectively).

Properties and effects of N-Lone-D3000

When administered well, a Deca cycle can:

  • Increase muscular mass by up to 10 kg with minimal rollback
  • Strengthen your ligaments and bones.
  • Get rid of joint pain
  • Boost your endurance and immunity.

Application and dosage of Nandrolone injectable steroids

Maxtreme manufactures N-Lone-D3000 in a 10ml vial with a concentration of 300 mg nandrolone decanoate per 1ml of solution.

The recommended weekly dosage for men is 200 to 600mg and for women, it’s 50mg per week. Because the half-life of the medicine is 6-12 days, it only needs to be injected once a week, however, some people may inject twice a week.

The cycle lasts approximately 10 to 14 weeks.

Side effects from Deca-Durabolin 300

If the medicine is not used as directed, side symptoms such as pain at the injection site, water retention (e.g., ankle or foot oedema), elevated blood pressure, greasy skin and hair, acne, rashes, skin irritations, or nausea may develop.

Combination with other AAS

Deca, Testosterone, and Dianabol are the three drugs that work best together in the cycle to build muscle. One of the key combinations in the bodybuilders’ fundamental regimen is this cycle.

Being a universal anabolic, nandrolone decanoate can be effectively mixed with a variety of oral or injectable steroids. The medications you decide to take rely on the objectives you’ve set for yourself.

Reviews of Maxtreme’s N-Lone-D3000

Taking medications like cabergoline, Clomid, or Anastrozole is the best approach to control prolactin levels, contrary to what reviews of N-Lone-D3000 reviews claim.





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