
(3 customer reviews) 25 sold


Substance: Oxymetholone (Anadrol),
Packing: 50mg (100 pills),
Brand: Maxtreme

SKU: 526a Category: Tag:


One of the strongest synthetic anabolic steroids, oxymetholone, is found in Max-Drol, a medication made by Maxtreme. It is legitimately one of the best ways to prepare for gaining strength and muscle mass. You can put on up to 15 kg of mass with a well-planned cycle and training schedule. However, a fairly significant kickback effect means that about one-third of the results can be lost. The medication encourages the body to retain fluid actively.


Properties and effects of Max-Drol

  • The amount of muscle mass is increased noticeably.
  • It accelerates the process of gaining strength.
  • It reduces pain and increases joint mobility.
  • Synovial fluid production is stimulated by it.
  • The amount of globulin that binds sex hormones is decreased. Other anabolic and androgenic steroids’ effectiveness may be significantly increased by the effect.


Anadrol application and dosage

If your cycle is properly constructed, you can get the most benefit from the medication.

Anadrol cycles can only last for a total of 45 days. In addition to not getting better results if you decide to extend this time, doing so can also seriously harm your body.

The first 21 days of taking Anadrol are when it works and using it for more than 45 days can harm your liver. We advise switching to a lighter AAS rather than lengthening the oxymetholone cycle.

50 milligrams per day should be the starting dose for the cycle, and it should be gradually increased to 100 milligrams. The maximum daily dose of the drug can be raised to 150 milligrams if you have a lot of experience using sports medications.

We do not advise women to use the medication, but if you do, do not take more than 12-25 milligrams at once.

Men often have cycles that last between 1 and 2 months, whereas women typically have cycles that last between 1 and 1.5 months.

The performance of the cycle won’t be improved by increasing the steroid dosage further. Start gradually lowering the dosage beginning two weeks before the cycle ends, at which point the cycle will be completely cancelled. Then start post-cycle therapy using anti-oestrogenic medications and testosterone boosters.

Avoid using Anadrol right before a sporting event because it actively retains fluid in the body. To restore your body to its normal appearance after taking Anadrol, you will still need to dry off. Males under the age of 21 and females are not advised to use this product.


Side effects from Oxymetholone

When used properly, any steroid can be indispensable to an athlete. However, each of these medications is also linked to side effects that have the potential to seriously harm your health. The risk that long-term use of Anadrol poses to the liver has already been mentioned.

Additionally, high doses can cause prostate adenoma. Oxymetholone must not be administered to a woman who has been diagnosed with a mammary gland tumour under any circumstances. Inappropriate use of this medication can impair seminal fluid quality, cause virilization in females, increase blood pressure, and disturb the digestive system.


Combination with other AAS

Combining Deca and Anadrol can be very productive. Athletes also frequently combine oxymetholone with testosterone. Professional athletes frequently recommend the three-drug stack of oxymetholone (100 mg daily), trenbolone (100 mg every other day), and Sustanon (750 mg weekly) in their cycles. Utilising this strategy will enable you to effectively improve your strength metrics and add high-quality muscle mass.


Reviews of Maxtreme’s Max-Drol

Anadrol is particularly liked by athletes who have joint issues, according to reviews. The production of synovial fluid can be accelerated with the proper Anadrol dosage, improving joint function and reducing pain.




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