Magnum Test-E 300

(8 customer reviews) 106 sold


Substance: Testosterone enanthate,
Packing: 10 ampoules (300mg/ml),
Brand: Magnum Pharmaceuticals

SKU: 12075 Category:

The drug Test-E 300 is a steroid based on Testosterone Enanthate that is manufactured by the company Magnum Pharmaceuticals. Testosterone Enanthate is usually utilized in adult men and young males to treat conditions brought about by an absence of natural testosterone hormone production, for example, delayed puberty, feebleness, or other hormonal lopsided characteristics. This medication is also utilized in ladies to treat breast cancer that has spread to different parts of the body and can’t be treated with a medical procedure.

Effects of Testosterone Enanthate in bodybuilding

Testosterone Enanthate is an injectable drug that has high androgenic and anabolic properties, which allows an athlete to rapidly gain muscle mass, as well as improve their athletic performance at competitions. It is a long ester, so it is characterized by slow absorption of testosterone into the blood via injection. Taking the drug is indicated for both professional athletes and beginners in this field, since it can really stimulate an already athletic body, bringing it to a state of complete fitness. The person using Testosterone Cypionate immediately becomes lively and gets a lot of energy for intensive training. The main benefits of a Testosterone Enanthate cycle include:

An increase in muscle mass due to boosted protein synthesis rates as well as improved nitrogen retention in the muscles.

• A faster rate of recovery, which is also due to protein synthesis, meaning the muscles can be repaired much quicker after training.

• An increase in strength due to the increase the rates of muscle hypertrophy.

• An increase in sex drive due to high androgenic activity, therefore, it is crucial for overall sexual health and function.

Testosterone Enanthate usage 

The effect of Testosterone Enanthate depends directly on the concentration of the drug in the body. It is recommended to take 250-500mg per week which is performed in 1-2 injections. As a rule, the larger the weight of the athlete, the higher the dosage. Also, it is preferable to inject it into the gluteal muscle.

A cycle of Testosterone Enanthate often lasts 2-2.5 months, but longer courses are practiced as well. Starting from the second week of use, to avoid oestrogenic side effects, it is desirable to take aromatase inhibitors or similar drugs. And it is necessary to take them for one more week after the end of the course.

After the end of the course, in order to maintain the gained mass, you need to follow a high-calorie diet, use sports nutrition and take cortisol blockers.

See also info about Andriol Testocaps and Testosterone Undecanoate

Potential side effects 

With the use of Testosterone Enanthate, one thing to be wary of is androgenic side effects. Negative effects of an androgenic nature include: oily skin, hair loss, hair growth, acne, mood swings, and irritability.

Testosterone Enanthate also has the ability to aromatize, therefore it is able to convert into oestrogen. This means that with the use of this drug, you may need to look out for oestrogenic side effects such as gynecomastia, fluid retention, fat retention and metabolism suppression.

In order to reduce the appearance of side effects, post-cycle therapy is mandatory after a cycle of Testosterone Enanthate. During PCT, anti-oestrogenic drugs such as Clomid and Tamoxifen are used to restore natural function.

You can buy Testosterone Enanthate, PCT drugs and other steroids for a combined cycle in our online shop. We aim to have high-quality products at the most affordable price for the ultimate satisfaction of our customers. 




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