HCG 5000IU

(10 customer reviews) 1,515 sold


Substance: HCG,
Packing: 1 vial of 5000IU,
Brand: Bharat serums

SKU: 613 Category:


First of all, it should be noted that this substance (HCG 5000IU), along with follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormone, belongs to gonadotropic hormones, from which it differs in amino acid sequence. This is why it is called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). It is also important to say that gonadotropin in its “composition” includes 237 amino acids, and its molecular weight is 36.7 kilodaltons. After administration, this hormone is well absorbed. Its half-life is about 72 hours. 

Gonadotropin and its positive effects

When anabolic steroids are taken, the pituitary gland in the brain stops producing LH (luteinizing hormone), which, in turn, does not allow Leydig cells to secrete testosterone.

HCG can play a role in preventing a decrease in testosterone levels, simulating the effect of LH in the body. This tricks the Leydig cells in producing testosterone even in the presence of an anabolic steroid.

What dosage of HCG should be used?

There are two ways to use HCG while cycling and two ways to use it while on long-term testosterone replacement therapy (TRT):

The first way is to use a smaller amount throughout the cycle (or throughout TRT) to maintain testicular function on a steady basis. Usually 250IU per week is the common dose if using HCG during a cycle or during TRT. If you are using HCG during a cycle, then the use of HCG is not necessary after a cycle or during TRT at any time.

The second way to use HCG is to inject it at higher dosages in shorter intervals, and use it every so often if you’re on TRT. A lot of people will use a 5,000IU vial over the course of a 2-week period or once every 10-12 weeks during testosterone replacement therapy (1250IU 2x per week for 2 weeks).

You may ask yourself why it’s commonly run in 2 different manners and there are a couple reasons for that.

For starters, HCG has a shelf life of about 30 days once it’s mixed with bacteriostatic water. A lot of vials come in 5,000IU vials, so your HCG is going to go bad before using it all, if you were to run 250IU a week steady throughout.

The next point to this is that some users feel that it takes a more substantial amount of HCG per injection to really stimulate the testes and this falls more along the lines of cosmetic reasons rather than fertility reasons (users do not want to see their testes shrink during AAS use).

For fertility reasons, running HCG throughout is suggestively the better route to go because you’re constantly stimulating the follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone without backing off intermittently.

How administer HCG safely

The easiest way to inject HCG is to use a 1ml insulin syringe. You will need some bacteriostatic water and since the vial is 5,000IU you will mix 1ml of bacteriostatic water into your vial of powder. (When mixing be sure to add the water slowly and then rotate clockwise gently until all the powder is dissolved in the liquid).

A 1ml insulin syringe has marks on the side of it that start at 10 and follow with 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100. So if 100 units of water represents 5,000IU of HCG, then you know that for every 10 mark on the syringe it’s 500IU of HCG once it’s drawn into the syringe. Therefore, if you wanted to use 250IU each week then you’d fill to 5 clicks on the insulin pin (halfway to the 10 mark) and inject it.

It is best to inject the day before your testosterone shot, since this is the day your test levels will fall the lowest during your cycle. The HCG will help raise the testosterone levels in your body and it’s approximate 72-hour life will carry over halfway through the week and this is enough to avoid testicular atrophy.

It is suggested the same for guys on TRT, just administer a 250IU shot the day before your steroid injection. If you only get one injection of testosterone every 2 weeks, then you’ll need to do it twice in that 2-week period.

If your taking HCG every once in a while on TRT or using it strictly for 2 weeks post cycle, then you’d want to fill to the 25-unit mark on your pin. (There really is no “25-unit” mark on an insulin syringe, it’s the “20 mark” plus 5 units and inject that twice a week evenly spaced apart (e.g. Monday and Thursday) 25IU x 4 = 5,000IU HCG, so 2 weeks of HCG at 2,500IU per week.)

The reason you will want to switch injections to twice a week when using HCG, is because HCG can make you gynaecomastia prone, if there is too much oestrogen conversion while stimulating your testosterone levels.

Remember that during HCG use, you will want to use an aromatase inhibitor such as Exemestane or Arimidex at 1/2 mg every day for the 2 weeks, to insure you counterbalance any side effects and keep yourself at optimum health.

In our online shop you can buy HCG 5000IU in the UK. Our motto is consistently high quality Bharat serums products at an affordable price! 




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