Enantat 400

(6 customer reviews) 170 sold


Substance: Testosterone enanthate,
Packing: 10 ml vial (400 mg/ml),
Brand: Dragon Pharma

SKU: 751 Category:

Enantat 400 from Dragon Pharma is a powerful anabolic steroid with testosterone enanthate as its main active ingredient.

This steroid is most well-known in the world of sports and training, despite being widely used in medicine to treat particular types of cancer in female patients as well as to address teenage deficiencies in physical development.

Testosterone enanthate has a positive effect on both pre-and post-workouts and is very effective at increasing muscle growth, strength, and endurance.

The long sidechain in Test E 400 from Dragon Pharma sets it apart from regular testosterone. Because of this, the drug has a longer active period (the half-life is roughly one week), and the effects of Test Enanthate last for about 15 days.

Properties and effects of Enantat 400

The following advantageous effects are possible with the injectable steroid Testosterone Enanthate from Dragon Pharma:

  • Boosting the body’s general tone
  • Raising the metrics for strength and endurance
  • Inverse side effects in the body, like oedema, are less frequent because injections are administered less frequently
  • Higher muscle growth
  • Heightened libido and sexual desire
  • Shortly after the initial injection, there is an immediate effect.

Application and dosage for Test E 400

The weekly dosage for each athlete is chosen on an individual basis. Age, level of fitness, health, and sensitivity to the substance all affect it differently.

A weekly dose of 200mg is appropriate for beginning athletes. The anticipated adverse effects on the body will be minimal at this level.

Sports pharmacology users with experience can increase the dose to between 750mg and 1000mg.

The cycle can last up to 8–10 weeks if no additional anabolic steroids are used in conjunction with Test E 400.

Side effects of Testosterone Enanthate

Overdosing can result in aromatization, or the transformation of male hormones into female hormones (more than 1000mg per week). You will experience gynecomastia as a result, which is completely unanticipated after a cycle of testosterone enanthate. You should thus adhere to the aforementioned guidelines.

There won’t be any negative effects if Test enanthate is taken appropriately and in appropriate amounts. Only blood pressure swings or issues with electrolyte balance should be mentioned if you are prone to them.

Combination with other AAS

It is highly effective to combine testosterone enanthate 400 with other steroids. To increase drying effectiveness, the cycle is supplemented with Winstrol or Anavar. Steroids like methandienone, nandrolone, or trenbolone can be added to your regimen if you need to gain more muscle mass.

Reviews of Dragon Pharma’s Enantat 400

The majority of reviews of Enantat 400 from elite athletes are favourable because it has an anabolic and androgenic effect. They commend Test E by Dragon Pharma for its user-friendliness and long-lasting effects.




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