(1 customer review) 22 sold


Substance: Trenbolone Enanthate, Testosterone Enanthate, Drostanolone Enanthate,
Packing: 10 ml vial (300 mg/ml),
Brand: Dragon Pharma

SKU: 773 Category:

Dragon Pharma, a well-known pharmaceutical company, makes Cut Long 300, an injectable anabolic steroid that combines three different active ingredients with the same ester. These include drostanolone enanthate (Masteron), trenbolone enanthate, and testosterone enanthate. This substance is very effective at helping people quickly increase their muscle mass.


Properties and effects of Cut Long 300

An athlete can use this drug to gain up to 10 kg more muscle mass in just 8 weeks. A Cut Long 300 cycle will also enable an athlete to accomplish the following: 

  • Shorter recovery periods following challenging workouts
  • An improvement in strength and endurance
  • Mood improvement
  • Reduction of body fat
  • Heightened libido
  • Enhancement of ligament and joint performance.


Cut Long 300 application and dosage

The drug should be administered at 300 mg to 450 mg intravenously every week. The cycle shouldn’t last more than eight weeks. You should have your oestradiol and prolactin levels checked two weeks into the cycle because if they are too high, cabergoline and anastrozole should be used.

Only seasoned steroid users should combine Cut Long 300 with other steroids like testosterone propionate, methandienone, stanozolol, or Turinabol.


Side effects from steroid mix injections

Since this steroid can have side effects that can be challenging to control, beginners are not advised to use it for their first cycle. If you correctly adhere to the aforementioned advice, side effects can be avoided. The following side effects could manifest if the dosage is increased or the recommended duration of use is exceeded:

  • Acne
  • Testicular atrophy
  • Enlarged prostate
  • Gynecomastia
  • Higher blood pressure
  • Libido declines


Reviews of Dragon Pharma Cut Long 300

Seasoned athletes can achieve extraordinary results with Cut Long 300, and they highly recommend pairing it with testosterone propionate.




1 review for CUT LONG 300

  1. Joey Griffin

    Can someone give me some advice on dosages with the Dragon Pharma Cut Long please? Been using 600 P/W but then my firend told me was the 150 Cut long that I should be running 2ml of. I have raging boners and cant stop thinking about being horny all of the time. My lifts and strength have gone through the roof, but I don’t like feeling like I want to hump everything that moves! I will cutdown my dosage and see if it helps, but overall, I have never tried a product so strong and my belly had fallen off within the first 3 weeks. Great product! Just annoying with the pesky libido sides.

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