Cernos Gel (Testogel)

(4 customer reviews) 394 sold


Substance: Testosterone gel
Packing: 14 sachets per box
Brand: Sun Pharmaceuticals

SKU: 646 Category:


One of the medications to help men regain hormonal balance is testosterone gel. The amount of testosterone in the body directly correlates with how well the male reproductive system works. The adrenal cortex and the genitals both contribute to the hormone’s synthesis in equal measure.

Men who are low in testosterone experience a slow development of secondary sexual traits as well as a variety of pathologies linked to this hormonal imbalance.

Such diseases require long-term treatment, and some men must take hormonal medications for the rest of their lives. The most widely used drug in this class is testosterone gel.

The required amount of the hormone in the blood is provided by testosterone gel for external use in bodybuilding with a 1% amount of testosterone with daily use.

Each aluminium sachet containing 2.5 mg or 5 mg of gel is used to produce the medication (there are 14 sachets in a box). It has a strong, lingering alcohol odour and is a transparent, light-coloured gel or ointment. The testosterone essential oils are the active components. Sodium hydroxide, ethanol, isopropyl myristate, and purified water are the other ingredients. This formulation encourages the gel’s short-term absorption by the skin tissues.

Properties and effects of Cernos Gel

The following are the effects of testosterone:

  • Encourages the growth of the muscles and genitalia
  • Encourages the retention and development of secondary sexual characteristics
  • Controls the metabolism of proteins, even in women
  • Distributes subcutaneous tissues uniformly
  • Controls the secretion and elimination of pituitary gonadotropin.


According to the anabolic action principle, these processes are combined to promote protein synthesis while simultaneously retaining elements crucial to the structural development of protein cells. As a result, muscle tissue increases significantly, and potassium fixation in the bones is seen to persist.

To increase testosterone, testosterone gel is applied transdermally; 14% or less of a single dose of the hormone is absorbed through the skin. The active substance gradually enters the bloodstream through the skin over the course of the next 24 hours.

The gel application provides a stable positive dynamic of changes in blood composition as early as the second day. In contrast, the achieved hormonal content does not result in peak fluctuations that worsen a user’s health, as can happen with drug administration via injection. Additionally, the external use of the drug prevents a sharp rise in the amount of steroid content present in the liver, which can happen, for instance, when taking the hormone orally.

Within a day of ceasing use of the gel, the testosterone level starts to noticeably decline, and by the fourth day, it has returned to its normal level. Conjugated testosterone metabolites, along with urine and faeces, are excreted from the body along with testosterone gel. Unlike other versions, testosterone gel use has not been shown to have a detrimental impact on the quality of sperm. From a clinical perspective, testosterone’s action is critical for not only starting spermatogenesis but also ensuring that it proceeds normally and that the sperm retains its original characteristics.

Testogel application and dosage

You must strictly adhere to the usage instructions to get a high-quality, testosterone-boosting result:

  • The only way to apply testosterone gel is externally, preferably every day at the same time in the morning, once per day.
  • The medication is applied without vigorous rubbing to the previously washed and thoroughly dried skin on the shoulders and abdomen right away after the sachet is opened. The next step is to wash your hands thoroughly. After the gel has dried for five minutes, you can put on your clothes.
  • The use of the gel near the genitalia and breasts is not recommended. These areas can become extremely irritated because they contain a sufficient amount of ethanol.
  • A daily testosterone blood test should be started after the third day of using the gel. If the indicator level has increased, lower dose adjustments are made. If the value is insufficient, the dose should be gradually increased (by 2.5mg per day), but it should never be used more than 10mg per day.
  • It is not recommended to take a shower, go to the spa, pool, or sauna after applying the gel, or have sex within the following five hours. To ensure that the gel is fully absorbed and to avoid unintentional transmission through bodily contact, this time frame must be maintained.

Side effects from Testosterone gel

Like other hormonal drugs, the independent use of Test Gel carries the risk of producing unfavourable side effects and triggering adverse physiological reactions that can be challenging to reverse. Because of this, it is usually necessary to see your doctor to ascertain the dosage and duration of the medication. You can always check with your doctor to make sure you don’t have any underlying health conditions if you can’t or don’t want to see one, and you can also visit a sports medicine specialist for assistance with your dosing regimen and to help track your progress.

Unchecked use of it can result in hyperandrogenism, which is accompanied by the appearance of severe acne and increased body hair growth brought on by an excess of the male hormone.




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