Caberlin 0.5


Substance: Cabergoline (Cabaser),
Packing: 0.5mg (4 pills),
Brand: Sun Pharma

SKU: 12040 Category:


Sun Pharma’s Caberlin 0.5 is a medication made to increase dopamine production, which lowers prolactin levels. The drug’s active ingredient is known as cabergoline. The drug is used in sports to lessen some sports pharmacology drugs’ progestogenic activity. Among the steroids with progesterone properties are nandrolone and trenbolone. The user’s prolactin levels rise as a result of using these anabolic substances. Progestogenic side effects could develop as a result of this. Our website provides a wide range of medications like “Caber” to prevent these side effects.

Properties and effects of Caberlin 0.5

Many of the side effects linked to progestogenic steroids can be avoided with timely drug administration. The drug will cause a decrease in prolactin levels, stimulate the production of natural testosterone, increase motivation, improve mood, prevent infertility and impotence, lower blood pressure, get rid of fluid retention, and improve muscle definition. By boosting libido and erectile function, cabergoline can also enhance a user’s sexual experience.

Cabergoline application and dosage

The Sun Pharma product is an oral tablet form of a highly effective medication that contains 0.5 mg. Anyone can use cabergoline; it’s not just for people who take sports pharmacology.

As was already mentioned, using drugs while exercising enables you to combat an elevated prolactin concentration. In this situation, the medication should be taken every fourth day at no more than 0.25mg (half a tablet). Take the medication every other day if side effects are experienced despite this.

The drug may be used in some circumstances to enhance the quality of romantic relationships. In this instance, the medication is taken every 10 days in a dosage of 0.5 mg (1 tablet).

Side effects from Caber pills

You should keep in mind that disobeying the rules can result in adverse effects like lethargy, lowered immunity, and a disruption of the body’s water-salt balance.

The drug’s active ingredients only affect prolactin production; they do not affect how the endocrine system functions.

Combination with AAS

It is frequently used by athletes to reduce the heightened prolactin levels brought on by oral and injectable steroids like nandrolone and trenbolone.

Reviews of Sun Pharma’s Caberlin 0.5

According to bodybuilders’ and athletes’ online reviews of Caberlin 0.5, this dopamine agonist is well-liked for lowering prolactin levels that are brought on by some injectable and oral steroids, such as nandrolone and trenbolone.





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