Andriol Testocaps

(5 customer reviews) 834 sold


Substance: Testosterone undecanoate,
Packing: 40mg (60 capsules),
Brand: Healing Pharma

SKU: 638a Category:

Testoheal, which is the brand name for Testosterone Undecanoate, is an oral Testosterone product. It is oil-based and manufactured in the form of gel capsules known as Andriol Testocaps UK and worldwide.

Andriol testocaps for sale in capsules are vastly different from other oral anabolic steroids in a few different ways. One of which being the ability to pass though the liver and into the blood steam without being partially destroyed. This makes Andriol testocaps 40 mg for bodybuilding very popular, especially for those users who wish to consume steroids orally over other administration methods.

Benefits of Andriol Testocaps 40mg

Andriol was originally developed and pioneered by the pharmaceutical manufacturer Organon in the early 1980s. Its intended use was as Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) for men that have inadequate levels of natural Testosterone. Andriol is intended to be a TRT alternative to Testosterone injections (such as Testosterone Enanthate or Testosterone Cypionate) and thereby act as a much more convenient form of administration for some that may not prefer injections.

Many Andriol Testocaps bodybuilding benefits are similar to the great benefits of the injectable versions. These include increased nitrogen retention, enhanced protein synthesis, increased IGF-1 production, improved libido levels, increased red blood cell production, and decreased levels of glucocorticoids.

The unique benefits that encourage people to buy Andriol testocaps 40 mg capsules online over other steroids include its ease of use, a rapid absorption time, and low toxicity levels towards the liver. Most other oral compounds are harmful towards the liver, but since these capsules are not destroyed by it, they are popular for those who are concerned about harm towards this vital organ.

Being used to prevent low levels of testosterone as well as increasing the levels for users who wish to gain the enhancement factor makes this compound very versatile and effective for both purposes. This oral compound can also be stacked alongside any other steroid to maximize the end results of a cycle for the user.

Andriol Testocaps 40 mg dosage and cycle length

Dosages of Andriol for TRT are in the range of 120 – 160mg per day for the first 2 to 3 weeks. This will be enough to heighten the testosterone levels and give some slight enhanced performances for the user.

For performance and physique enhancement, the Andriol dosage must understandably be far greater. A minimum of 250mg per day is required (6 or 7 capsules) to see the measurable effects and many individuals claim that the results at this range are on the low end. This dosage is best suited to beginner or elderly users who are looking for some rejuvenation. Commonly, Andriol is used at a dosage of 400 – 500 (10 – 14 capsules) per day. Advanced or experienced users may require even higher dosages than that, but considering the Andriol Testocaps 40 mg price, this can get quite expensive.

This compound can be used on its own in a solo cycle, or used as a base Testosterone compound within other anabolic steroids cycles. The Andriol testocaps cycle length can range from 8 weeks to 12 weeks or more due to the lower toxicity rating of this compound. Beginner cycles would usually involve Andriol being dosed at 300mg per day for 8 – 12 weeks in duration.

Due to the lipophilic nature of Testosterone Undecanoate’s pharmacology, it is recommended that the dosages be administered with the consumption of food, ideally with a higher fat content in order to maximize its absorption in the body through the lymphatic system. When taken on an empty stomach, studies have demonstrated extremely low absorption rates and bioavailability. Testoheal dosages should also be split into two evenly spaced dosages (e.g. in the morning and evening) in order to maintain steady and stable blood serum levels of Testosterone. Due to the high androgenic level of Testosterone Undecanoate, this compound is not advised for use by female athletes.

Andriol Testocaps side effects

Because Andriol is a Testosterone steroid, it does carry with it all of the major side effects of Testosterone in general. Although the risk of side effects will be dramatically less due to the lower dosages and short release time from the blood stream.

Some of the most common side effects include suppression of natural Testosterone production, acne, hair loss, high aromatization, virilization symptoms for women, increased LDL levels, and gynecomastia.

Due to Testosterone being an aromatizing compound, anti-oestrogen substances should be taken alongside an Andriol Testocaps cycle if used at high dosages or for long duration periods. Using hCG and Arimidex alongside higher dosages of Andriol can also prevent these issues form occurring. If all of the recommended dosages and durations are followed, none of these negative effects should occur. After the cycle is complete, you will need to run PCT in order to level out your natural testosterone production.




5 reviews for Andriol Testocaps

  1. Malvar Alley

    Used this oral Test U a few years back while was on cycle and didn’t think much to them. Recently I was suffering with low energy and a lack of muscle tone so I gave them another shot and the results have been much better. Not sure if my old supplier sold me duds or if it is due to running these solo, but at age 47 these have given me a 2nd wind and training 2x more weekly than normal. Very happy with the good quality of these orals I received and even happier that the results have been nothing short of amazing. Highly rated source and deffo recommend them to others!

  2. Mike Golapa

    Had low T levels for months and kept getting denied from the NHS for treatment. Came across these oral Testocaps and ran them at 160mg daily. Currently 7 weeks into my TRT protocol and feeling fantastic! Got my libido back, my energy, my wellness and looking like Im 20 yrs younger. Bit rubbish about the high dosages needed, but needless to say it has been worth every penny! Very happy to have found this source and the help and support from their pro team has been priceless for my needs. Very thankful and rate them a 10/10 any day of the week 🙂

  3. Jolyon Courtney

    I’m currently on TRT right now and my desire to up my game in the gym came true with these. I running TRT with Andriol Testocaps at a dosage of 80 mg every 3.5 weeks. I’m not a spring chicken anymore so my natural production of test was only at 60% but these keep my blood levels stable and have reversed my energy depletion. They make me stronger and even though I don’t have a clean diet, I still consistently lose weight and increase muscle mass. In the gym I’m working out at an all new level and I also like how it makes my mood better throughout the day too!

  4. Zorion Berry

    I would definitely recommend Andriol Testocaps. Theyre very helpful at decreasing body fat percentage considering that you are still keeping an eye on your test and estrogen levels. They have helped me big time with my confidence and I’m so thankful for this site for always delivering them to me without any hassle.

  5. Zbigniew Alfredson

    Used these testocaps for 10 weeks and was pleasantly surprised. Cons were that they peaked too fast and it affected my hematocrit levels. But I adjusted the dosage to 120 from 200 and everything balanced out and now I’m feeling great even a couple weeks after. I would definitely use these again.

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