Testorapid (ampoules)

(3 customer reviews) 43 sold


Substance: Testosterone propionate,
Packing: 10 ampoules (100mg/ml),
Brand: Alpha Pharma

SKU: 579 Category:



Bodybuilding, powerlifting, weightlifting, and other sports training disciplines all use testosterone. It can also be used successfully to lose weight. Simply creating a calorie deficit for yourself will help you lose extra weight.

The drug’s active ingredient, propionate, acts quickly. The body’s male hormone concentration reaches its highest levels.

You can put on 5-7 kg of muscle when taking the Testorapid solo cycle. There are virtually no withdrawal symptoms or side effects at the same time.

Because they view testosterone-based drugs favourably, athletes can use them effectively both alone and in combination with other drugs to produce positive results.

It’s time to motivate your body and buy Testorapid from our UK online shop if working out no longer produces the desired results or is enjoyable.

As their muscle mass reaches a certain point and stops growing, athletes eventually start to lose motivation. Power parameters follow the same rules. You feel as though you want to give up everything after working out and dieting for several years because your efforts are ineffective. These circumstances call for the use of Testorapid. It is a testosterone analogue that will boost muscle growth and restore the fighting spirit.


Properties and effects of Testorapid

There are the following advantageous outcomes:

  • The growth of muscles is accelerated
  • Strength and stamina improve
  • The user feels happier and wants to continue training
  • Processes that burn fat are activated
  • Makes the bones and joints stronger
  • Sexual behaviour picks up


Testosterone Propionate application and dosage

The ideal drug dosage is chosen on an individual basis. Physiological state, physical condition, previous exposure to other pharmacological agents, and medical advice all play a role.

For men, a weekly dose of 50–100mg is taken every other day and for women, a dose of 25–50mg taken every five days is advised.

It’s important to keep an eye on hormonal balance while taking steroids. Taking aromatase inhibitors is necessary to stop the appearance of “side effects”.

The cycle may last between 1.5 and 2 months. After it is finished, post-cycle therapy is necessary. Aromatase inhibitors and tamoxifen are both suitable for this. To restore the body’s normal testosterone production, PCT is required.

You must abide by the medication’s usage instructions if you want to minimise the possibility of side effects. To stop the negative effects, it is also necessary to add anti-oestrogens and other pharmacology to the cycle. After running a cycle of steroids, PCT is a must.

Women are not advised to take the medication as it can provoke virilization.


Side effects from Test Propionate

Aromatization is the main issue with testosterone-based medications. As a result, unpleasant consequences like the following could occur during the cycle:

  • Gynecomastia
  • Heavy perspiration
  • Acne
  • Extra fluid is retained by the body

Separately, it is important to take note of the occurrence of symptoms like a coarsening of the voice and an increase in facial and chest hair growth.


Combination with other AAS

Other AAS are included in the cycle to improve Testorapid’s efficacy. You can wager on muscle gain, increased strength, or a fat-burning effect depending on the desired outcomes.


Reviews of Alpha Pharma Testorapid

Testorapid users who are also athletes advise limiting the dosage and keeping a close eye on your hormonal balance. It will be possible to avert negative effects in this situation.




3 reviews for Testorapid (ampoules)

  1. Valentine Triggs

    This is the best Test I ever tried! Other people are experiencing sides like gyno or they are allergic to it, but not me. This is the best test I ever tried. During the usage of this, I was able to lift the heaviest equipment in my gym. Unfortunately, I needed to stop this because I got too big. Used this at 300 mg daily.

  2. Ximun Irving

    My friends warned me about using TestoRapid and I am glad I did not listen to them. This is the only test that gave me an out of this world energy boost. I did mind the frequent pinning but I immediately got used to it. Need to tell y’all that the oil is smooth so, no PIP. I 10/10 recommend this!

  3. Theor Edgar

    Used TestoRapid at 100 mg daily in the morning. I believe that this is better than using test cyp. Gave me the best results that cyp can never give and I also like how the ampoules lasts longer!

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