
(1 customer review) 18 sold


Substance: Sustanon 250 (Testosterone mix),
Packing: 10 ampoules (250mg/ml),
Brand: Maxtreme

SKU: 531 Category: Tag:

Sustanon is an injectable anabolic substance used in both sports and medicine. Sustanon is a valuable drug with a large market and high demand because of its potency and practicability. It is used in sports more and more frequently every day. 

The most recent technologies allow Maxtreme’s Testo-Non-1 to be made in sufficient quantities, making it impossible to have an anabolic deficiency. Since it takes effect quickly and strongly, the athlete can get the pleasant changes they need in the smaller amounts that are needed.

Sportsmen use anabolic steroids to satiate their needs and achieve high levels of performance. Many bodybuilders today use Sustanon cycles and are happy with the outcomes. This anabolic compound has a lot of benefits.

Properties and effects of Testo-Non-1

Anabolic profile of Testo-Non-1:

  • At high dosages, it becomes oestrogen;
  • The duration of effect is up to 16 days;
  • The rating for the androgenic and anabolic index is 100;
  • It can be detected for up to 90 days on doping tests.

The benefits of Testo-Non-1 include:

  • Pronounced catabolic inhibitory effects (no muscle loss during cycling);
  • Increased red blood cell count to better oxygenate muscles;
  • Increased volume and size of the muscles;
  • Recovery of the nervous system and an increase in appetite;
  • Rapid recovery from physically demanding tasks;
  • Elevated tolerances for exercise and endurance.

Sustanon 250 application and dosage

The drug can be safely injected into the thigh or deltoid muscles as well as the glute muscle, where it will be more quickly absorbed. 

Even amateur athletes can easily purchase Testo-Non-1 due to its affordable price, which significantly improves their athletic performance. Please pay close attention to the dosage during the first phase of the drug’s administration, though, as this stunning and potent version may take some athletes by surprise. To avoid any shutdowns on the user’s natural testosterone production, it is advised to use chorionic gonadotropin drugs like hCG if you run a cycle with a higher dosage or lengthen the cycle’s duration.

Men should not go beyond an 8-week cycle, and women should not go beyond a 4-week cycle, as doing so may result in negative side effects, some of which may occasionally be irreversible. Being the strongest form of this Sustanon mixture, this drug’s typical dosage for its muscle-hungry male users is 200–800 mg per week, while it is 50–100 mg for women. 

See info about Sustanon 250 injections

Side effects from Sustanon injections

The athlete should start taking 20 mg of tamoxifen every third day starting on day 10 of the cycle. This will help with the production of natural testosterone and prevent it from shutting down. Additionally, by doing this, the user will be able to retain less water that is gained during the cycle, leaving more lean and pure muscle growth. 

Upon completion of the cycle, you must begin the PCT 14 days after your final injection. Clomid and tamoxifen are typically used in the recovery cycle; both medications can be found in our online pharmacy’s PCT section. It is crucial to have these medications ready for use at the end of the cycle because doing so will help the user reach their objectives and get their hormones back to normal functioning. 

Combination with other AAS

Anyone starting to use Sustanon typically decides whether to bulk exclusively with Sustanon or in combination with another substance. A popular amateur cycle involves using the fantastic bulking steroid Dianabol for the first month, along with Sustanon and then continuing with Sustanon for an additional two months to maintain the gains made with Dianabol.

You can add another compound to the aforementioned cycle at the halfway point; typically, this is Deca-Durabolin. While Sustanon 250 and Deca are taken for the entire cycle, Dianabol provides the fundamental start to gains toward the beginning of the cycle for four weeks to about a month and a half.

Reviews of Maxtreme Testo-Non-1

Testo-Non-1 reportedly contains all the components required for the body to function at its best and also significantly improves athletic performance, according to user reviews.




1 review for Testo-Non-1

  1. Earl Finley

    It’s my first time running Maxtreme’s Testo-Non-1. I use 2ml (2 amps) per week and its more than enough as I can already feel the itch after just 4 weeks. There’s only a bit of PIP so that’s good. I like this blend and it has helped me become stronger, all I need is some Adex now and all will be perfect. Maxtreme has done me proud!

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