Prominate 100


Substance: Methenolone enanthate (Primobolan depot),
Packing: 10 ampoules (100mg/ml),
Brand: BM Pharmaceuticals

SKU: 680 Category:

The muscles are subjected to final conditioning after gaining mass to make them appear dry and defined. This cannot be accomplished without a particular diet and steroids. Primobolan is one of the medications used to dry out muscles.

Properties and effects of Prominate 100

Methenolone enanthate is the basis for BM Pharmaceuticals’ Primobolan. It has the following advantageous effects:

  • Exceptionally well-defined muscles with a clear venous pattern. In the initial weeks of use, the effect starts to show.
  • Increased endurance and strength, which is beneficial for training.
  • Increased metabolic rate, which makes it easier to lose extra weight and makes exercise programmes more effective.
  • Consolidation of muscle mass gained during previous anabolic drug cycles.

The drug’s testosterone efficacy is 88% anabolic and 44% androgenic. It’s moderately toxic to the liver. It doesn’t cause aromatization and keeps working for two weeks after the cycle is over.

Application and dosage of Methenolone Enanthate

Each dosage must be individually calculated, and it depends on the athlete’s level of fitness, overall health, desired outcomes, and prior use of sports pharmacology.

The recommended weekly dose (injected once to twice per week) of Primobolan for injection is 200–800 mg for men and 50-100mg for women. The typical length duration of one cycle for men typically lasts eight weeks, while for women it’s four weeks.

A cycle of anabolic steroids must be finished with post-cycle therapy. The body’s negative effects will be lessened, and hormonal balance will be restored.

Side effects from Primobolan

One of the safest products on the market is Primobolan. Negative effects are extremely uncommon. Theoretically, they might happen if an athlete has a contraindication, is intolerable personally, or takes too much. Testicular atrophy, an increase in aggressiveness, and an increase in blood pressure may be seen in these situations.

Combination with other AAS

Other steroids may be combined with Primobolan. This drug is frequently combined by athletes with methandienone, nandrolone, Sustanon, and testosterone to increase its capacity for mass gain. Primobolan and Winstrol are combined to enhance the quality of the muscles (muscle drying). The dosage in this situation should be half that of taking the same medications alone.

Reviews of B.M Pharmaceuticals’ Prominate 100

Primobolan is extremely effective for both building muscle mass and drying, according to athletes who use it. The medication works well with other AAS, is very safe, and is reasonably priced. There is little rollback effect from cycles.

Buy Primobolan from our shop to get a lean, attractive body in time for beach season or to get ready for the upcoming competitions!





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