Npecia 5


Substance: Finasteride (Propecia),
Packing: 5mg (50 pills),
Brand: Saint Michael Biotech

SKU: 661 Category:

Npecia 5 is an oral medication designed to treat male pattern baldness and other types of hair loss in men. The active ingredient, finasteride, is the foundation of the medication created by Saint Michael Biotech. Because it is a reductase inhibitor, this medication works well to treat androgenetic alopecia.

Properties and effects of Npecia 5

An excessive amount of the hormone dihydrotestosterone is one of the primary causes of hair loss in males (DHT). As they become older, some men make more of this hormone, and some men who use anabolic steroids will have higher amounts of it in their bodies. This raises the chance of developing baldness because DHT progressively destroys hair follicles as it enters them, preventing new hair from growing.

The 5-alpha-reductase enzyme is necessary for DHT production. As a reductase inhibitor, finasteride can prevent the enzyme from producing DHT. This indicates that the medication efficiently stops hair loss and also enhances the health of your hair.

Propecia application and dosage

After commencing therapy, the DHT hormone’s synthesis quickly starts to slow. One pill (1mg) of Npecia 5 should be taken every day for at least three months. Simply skip that day and keep taking your medicine as directed if you forget to take it. After approximately six months, you should start to see healthy freshly regrown hair, which will enable you to regain a youthful and fresh appearance. Gradually, you will start to observe benefits.

Side effects from Finasteride

Patients using finasteride may encounter the following adverse effects:

  • Decreased libido
  • Abnormal ejaculation
  • An increase in chest discomfort
  • Local responses (itching, rashes, swelling of the lips and face, soreness in the testicles).

The medication should not be used by young moms who are nursing. Npecia 5 is not suggested for males with prostate problems either.





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