

Substance: Tamoxifen citrate (Nolvadex),
Packing: 10mg (50 pills ),
Brand: Maxtreme

SKU: 518 Category: Tag:

In the world of sports, the drug Max-Fen-10 is widely used. It is a non-steroidal medication made by Maxtreme that has tamoxifen citrate as its active ingredient. The substance is an anti-oestrogen and a member of the class of medications known as SERMs (Selective Oestrogen Receptor Modulators). Tamoxifen is a drug used to treat breast cancer by inhibiting oestrogen receptors on breast cancer cells. The drug is successfully used in sports as post-cycle therapy (PCT) following a steroid cycle.

Properties and effects of Maxi-Fen-10

No matter how mild the anabolic steroid cycle was, PCT is always required after the cycle. The goal of PCT is to maintain the muscle mass gained during the cycle while quickly resuming the production of natural testosterone. Tamoxifen will enable you to maintain your hard-won gains while quickly resuming your testosterone production.

Tamoxifen can be used to prevent the harmful side effects of steroid aromatization in bodybuilding. Tamoxifen is essential for PCT because it enables quick restoration of the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular axis and endogenous testosterone production.

Tamoxifen used in bodybuilding and sports also has the option of occurring directly during the steroid cycle. When using certain steroids, such as testosterone, tamoxifen is used to prevent the steroid’s excessive aromatization and the negative side effects it can cause, the most unfavourable of which is gynecomastia.

Since tamoxifen is highly active in the mammary glands, it can be used when symptoms of gynecomastia start to manifest. But you should switch to another aromatase inhibitor or blocker once your gynecomastia symptoms subside.

Application and dosage for Tamoxifen

Tamoxifen is typically taken at a dose of 20–40 mg per day.

Tamoxifen should never be taken after a cycle containing trenbolone, nandrolone, or oxymetholone (Anadrol). Clomid is used in their place after a cycle of these medications. Since tamoxifen increases the number of progesterone receptors, you have a good chance of experiencing all of the progestin’s negative effects.

Side effects from Tamoxifen pills

When used properly, Tamoxifen does not cause negative effects. Headaches, appetite loss, and vision impairment are its most frequent side effects when usage guidelines are not followed.

Reviews of Maxtreme’s Maxi-Fen-10

Tamoxifen will enable you to maintain your hard-won gains while quickly resuming your own testosterone production.

Tamoxifen can be used to prevent the harmful side effects of steroid aromatization in bodybuilding.





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