
(1 customer review) 16 sold


Substance: Methyl drostanolone (Superdrol),
Packing: 10mg (50 pills),
Brand: Alpha Pharma

SKU: 553 Category:

Usually referred to as “Superdrol”, Mastoral is an oral steroid with methyl drostanolone as its main active ingredient. This anabolic-androgenic steroid, which comes in an oral form from Alpha Pharma, has a high anabolic rating, making it an extremely potent and effective muscle-building substance.

This oral steroid is an extremely potent and effective muscle-building substance with an anabolic rating of 400, which is among the highest anabolic ratings of any steroid now on the market.

Properties and effects of Mastoral

Thanks to these anabolic steroid pills, nitrogen retention, and protein synthesis are both boosted. The extra nitrogen that cells can hold onto Superdrol will go a long way towards creating the ideal environment for the production of new muscle tissue. Muscular cells are going to be able to produce proteins a lot faster, allowing muscles to mend and expand with lightning-like speed.

Although frequently used in pre-contest or cutting cycles,  Superdrol can be taken in bulking cycles, however, this is not a common option. This steroid’s use will be advantageous for:

  • Leaner, dryer muscles
  • Increased turnaround times
  • Greater endurance.
  • Improved nitrogen retention and protein synthesis by reducing fat

Methyldrostanolone application and dosage

The recommended daily dosage for Superdrol by Alpha Pharma is 10–20 mg or 1–2 tablets. If Superdrol is well tolerated, the dose can be raised to 40 mg daily. The recommended daily dosage should be split into two or three doses spread out throughout the day. Typically, a cycle lasts between six and eight weeks.

For a stronger result, the Superdrol cycle can be used with additional anabolic steroids, including Deca-Durabolin, Primobolan, testosterone, and trenbolone.

Side effects from Superdrol pills

When administered properly, there should be no adverse effects from taking Superdrol. But when used in large doses, it can:

  • Cause liver poisoning
  • Adversely impact blood pressure
  • Increase cholesterol to dangerous levels

It is thus advisable to follow all instructions for using Superdrol and to keep an eye on your general health and liver function throughout each cycle.

Combination with other AAS

Other anabolic substances, including Deca-Durabolin, Primobolan, testosterone, and trenbolone, to name a few, can be used with Superdrol.

Reviews of Alpha Pharma’s Mastoral

According to online testimonials, Alpha Pharma’s Mastoral (Superdrol) has changed the game for weight lifters and athletes since they claim to achieve amazing results without endangering their well-being or health.




1 review for Mastoral

  1. Martyn Robins

    Methl Drostanalone are the daddy of orals. Used many generics including the superdrol and all of them give great results. Found these Mastoral tabs from Alpha and in my view these are the most effective. Dont run more than 30 per day as they are strong, but even at 30 my lifts increase, I burn fat like crazy and my stamia climbs to new hights which is the best aspect of running Methy Drostan! I find these benefit me most within my HIIT workouts but its hard to say, as I have hit new boundries within all of my sessions. Great product and takes about 12 days to hit me in Florida. Would highly reccomend.

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