Masteron 200


Substance: Drostanolone enanthate (Masteron),
Packing: 10ml vial (200mg/ml),
Brand: Dragon Pharma

SKU: 715 Category:

Another steroid manufactured by Dragon Pharma is Masteron 200. Drostanolone enanthate is the active ingredient, which has a mild androgenic and moderate anabolic impact. It is the preferred treatment by athletes in preparation for sporting events.

Properties and effects of Masteron 200

Both amateur athletes and novices are advised to use the steroid. With the right dosage and time of administration, you can achieve the following cycle outcomes:

  • Better muscle quality;
  • Faster breakdown of fat cells;
  • Enhanced physical fitness markers;
  • Greater endurance.

Because of the drug’s moderate diuretic impact, many sportsmen use it in cycles to increase muscle mass quality. Many folks obtain high-quality, defined muscle mass with its assistance.

Application and dosage of Masteron 200 injections

It is important to get the opinion of an expert before beginning the cycle. Masteron is often prescribed at a weekly dosage of 200-400mg for men, and 50 to 1000mg for women. Injections can be given once a week, but they can also be given twice a week to maintain peak concentration levels of the chemical in the blood.

A typical cycle can range between 10 and 12 weeks.

Side effects of Drostanolone Enanthate

Drostanolone enanthate has no oestrogenic side effects such as gynecomastia or increased blood pressure because it does not aromatise and has no effect on the liver. However, using too much of it may cause skin disorders and baldness. Because of the anti-oestrogenic qualities of this drug, there is no need for tamoxifen and Clomid.

Read also about main advantages of Masteron

Combination with other AAS

Using combined cycles will help you to get the most out of Masteron 200 without jeopardising your health. Experienced sportspeople use this substance with trenbolone, oxandrolone, boldenone, Winstrol, and other anabolic steroids.

With the use of Clomid, post-cycle treatment (PCT) is required after the cycle. This will hasten the recuperation process while also preserving the cycle outcomes.

Reviews of Dragon Pharma’s Masteron 200

This substance has been used effectively by athletes of all levels of training for numerous years, so it is not unexpected that a fake can be discovered at any time. We advocate purchasing sports pharmacology products from a reputable online pharmacy like ours, where you can get genuine Dragon Pharma Masteron 200 at the best rates in the UK.





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