

Substance: Drostanolone propionate (Masteron),
Packing: 10 ampoules (100mg/ml),
Brand: Alpha Pharma

SKU: 586 Category:


The company that makes this widely used medicine is Alpha Pharma. Commonly referred to as “Masteron” among steroid users, it is the main active ingredient. It has a moderate anabolic profile and a mild androgenic profile. It is most commonly used by heavy-weight lifters. The medication is designed to retain muscle mass while increasing suppleness and definition. It is frequently used to develop strength and endurance without increasing muscle volume and gaining weight.

Properties and effects of Masteron

These are some of the main physiological benefits associated with Masteron 100:

  • Considerable gains in strength;
  • Firmer and more prominent musculature;
  • Easier fat burning;
  • Prevention of aromatization;
  • A mild diuretic effect that is not harmful to the liver.

Application and dosage of Masteron 100 injections

Masteron’s suggested weekly dose for men is 200-500mg, while the weekly dose for women is 50-100mg. Injections are administered every other day. The cycle might last up to two months, which can be extended for up to two and a half months in rare situations.

Read also Masteron cycle reviews

Side effects of Drostanolone Propionate 100

You will be able to prevent any unpleasant side effects if you pick the appropriate dose and cycle duration. They do, however, happen from time to time. Baldness, aggressive temperament, and acne production are some of the side effects. In rare circumstances, increased dangerous cholesterol, testosterone production disorders, prostate gland disease, and heart issues may arise.

Combination with other AAS

The medicine can be used alone or in conjunction with other steroids, as the medication is rarely taken alone. Masteron can be combined in the following ways:

  • When used with oxandrolone, the outcomes are mild and harmless.
  • When used with stanozolol (Winstrol), the most effective combination is attained. This permits the globulin concentration to be lowered.
  • Testosterone can be used with anabolic steroids to improve muscle growth. However, you will need to go through PCT following the cycle.
  • When utilising extended cycles, the steroid must be combined with gonadotropin (hCG) at a dose of 1500 IU twice a week.

Reviews of Alpha Pharma’s Mastebolin

Athletes frequently note the favourable effects of Masteron in their evaluations. The muscular mass that results is of exceptional quality and suppleness. Those who have used the medicine report a minimal likelihood of “side effects.”





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