Magnum Oxandro 10


Substance: Oxandrolone (Anavar),
Packing: 10mg (50 pills),
Brand: Magnum Pharmaceuticals

SKU: 12069 Category:


One of the most potent anabolic steroids, oxandrolone, was first introduced to the sports drug market in 1961. The steroid continued to be produced under the trade name “Anavar” and is still widely used today.

Numerous professional athletes are aware of Magnum Pharmaceuticals’ products, which feature an improved formula that is very effective.

Properties and effects of Magnum Oxandro 10

This anabolic compound was first used as a medicine, primarily for the treatment of burns. Later on, though, it started to be used in the area of sports training, much like other steroids of a similar nature.

Magnum Oxandro 10 has four times the anabolic potency of regular testosterone. When compared to other sports pharmacology, this performs admirably. The drug’s main goal is to boost strength and endurance metrics while keeping muscle mass parameters constant. It is noteworthy to point out, among other positive attributes:

  • Excellent effect on fat burning.
  • An excellent rendering of muscular definition.
  • Long-lasting, qualitative improvement in strength parameters.

Anavar application and dosage

The Magnum Oxandro 10 dosage and cycle length depend on the specific physical characteristics of each athlete. Weight, gender, training history, and reaction to drug components, as well as actual and anticipated results, are all significant indicators. It is preferable to avoid using anabolic steroids if there are any health issues or (even minor) contraindications.

The average length of a cycle is one to one and a half months. Its duration, in some circumstances, may go up to two months. If nothing else is taken in addition to oxandrolone, the cycle should begin with 20mg per day. The starting dose can be increased to 30mg for more seasoned athletes, but females shouldn’t increase their doses to over 20mg per day. The effective dosage gradually increases to 50mg. The dose can go up to 80mg when taken under a doctor’s care. But this only applies in unusual circumstances.

The maximum daily dose of the medication is 80mg. If it is exceeded, the body will experience a significantly worse effect. Tablets come in 10mg strengths to make dosage administration simpler.

Read also about Superdrol by Geneza Pharmaceuticals

Side effects of Oxandrolone pills

The drug’s almost complete lack of side effects is a significant plus. Magnum Oxandro 10 is suitable for use by female athletes. But for them, the cycle shouldn’t last longer than six weeks. The body will be completely safe if you stick to the recommended daily dosage and don’t go over the recommended administration time. In this situation, it is crucial to speak with your doctor before beginning administration to rule out any potential component intolerance. If the instructions are ignored, the following undesirable outcomes could manifest:

  • Liver toxicity
  • Overdosing 80 mg a day can have detrimental effects on the liver. Because of this, dose increases should be managed by a professional.
  • Migraines and high blood pressure

These may manifest when the drug’s safe dosage is significantly exceeded.

  • A decline in libido and atrophy of the testicles

This only happens when the dosage is extremely high.

Your body will be completely safe if you stick to the recommended daily dosage and don’t go over the recommended administration time. In this situation, speaking with your doctor before beginning admission is crucial to rule out any potential component intolerance.

Combination with other AAS

The best workout results can be obtained by combining Magnum Oxandro 10 with other steroids. Use a stack of Winstrol and power indicators to increase their output. Boldenone and trenbolone are suitable for mass-building.

Reviews of Magnum Pharmaceuticals’ Oxandro 10

Generally speaking, the use of Magnum Oxandro 10 is praised by athletes. It works incredibly well and has no adverse effects on the body. The price of the drug is the only drawback for athletes. In this instance, high quality comes at a high cost.

Place an order on our website to buy oxandrolone and other steroids from the UK. For athletes with various backgrounds and training needs, our consultants will give you all the information you require regarding the cycle and dosages.





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