Fliban 100


Substance: Flibanserin,
Packing: 100mg (4 pills),
Brand: Centurion Laboratories

SKU: 12046 Category:

Fliban is an oral medication produced by the pharmaceutical company Centurion Laboratories. The active substance in this drug is flibanserin, which is used to treat pre-menopausal women who have a low sexual desire or hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD). The drug is indicated entirely for female use and should not be taken by men.

Properties and effects of Fliban 100

Flibanserin can improve the balance between serotonin and dopamine by modulating their activity in certain parts of the brain. These neurotransmitter systems are responsible for the regulation of sexual response. Therefore, the medication can increase the number of satisfying sexual events per month in women by about one-half.

Application and dosage of Flibanserin

The drug by Centurion Laboratories is produced in 100mg tablets for oral use. The recommended dosage is 1 tablet daily at bedtime. The tablets are not advised to be taken early in the day due to the effects of the drug on certain functions of the body. The duration of use is no longer than 8 weeks.

Side effects from Flibanserin tablets

If flibanserin is taken too early in the day, then there is a risk of hypotension, syncope, accidental injury and depression of the central nervous system. Other side effects may include abdominal pain, abnormal bleeding from the uterus, anxiety, constipation, dizziness, dry mouth or fainting.

Reviews of Centurion Laboratories’ Fliban 100

Reviews of Fliban are positive as the drug quickly stops hair loss, as has been proven by men who have used the drug to treat alopecia for several years.





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