Enantat 250


Substance: Testosterone enanthate,
Packing: 10ml vial (250mg/ml),
Brand: Dragon Pharma

SKU: 703 Category:

If you want to achieve better training results or increase your strength, then you need to use Enantat 250. It will allow you to develop secondary male characteristics, improve your mood, and increase your motivation. The drug from the pharmaceutical company Dragon Pharma is a longer-estered testosterone formula. It has been further processed and modified to be more efficient in use.

Properties and effects of Test Enanthate

Testosterone enanthate allows you to feel the results immediately after the start of use. Here’s what effect it has on the body:

  • Increases muscle growth.
  • Increases endurance and strength, which has a positive effect on training.
  • Reduces the recovery time after physical activity, which makes it possible to complicate and diversify the training program.
  • Increases the strength of bones and joints.
  • Gives energy and improves mood. Increases motivation and desire to exercise.
  • Has a positive effect on the immune system.
  • Increases sexual performance.

In addition to all of these effects, secondary male characteristics become more pronounced:

  • The voice becomes rougher and lower.
  • Increased beard and chest hair growth.
  • Facial features become more defined.

A rollback effect is possible after completing the cycle. To minimize or completely neutralize it, it is necessary to carry out competent post-cycle therapy during which it is crucial to use testosterone boosters.

Application and dosage for Testosterone Enanthate

A full consultation with a sports physician should be done before starting steroid use. It is advisable to analyse the hormonal system, gastrointestinal tract, and liver. You can then take the drug only if everything is in order with the body.

The dosage of Test E can be from 200 up to 1000mg per injection, which is split into two injections per week for optimal results. For beginners, it is best to start with the lowest dose and increase it little by little.

The average cycle duration can be from 8 weeks up to 10 weeks. The increase in the duration of the cycle must be agreed upon by an expert.

Read also about use of Clomid

Side effects of Test E

The main problem with testosterone enanthate is its high tendency to aromatize. For this reason, when taking it, the following side effects can be observed:

  • Gynecomastia
  • Acne
  • Swelling
  • Accumulation of excess fluid
  • Hair loss

Such “side effects” are most often manifested by improper use of the drug. It is necessary to carefully observe the dosage and duration of the cycle.

To reduce the negative effects of oestrogenic nature, it is necessary to take anti-oestrogen drugs such as Proviron. It needs to be added to the cycle in the second week. It is required to complete aromatase inhibitors a week after completing the anabolic steroids cycle. To control the dosage and effect of these drugs, it is necessary to monitor the level of oestradiol.

2-3 weeks after completing the cycle, you need to undergo PCT. For this, cortisol blockers are used. With their help, it will be possible to reduce the rollback effect.

Combination with other AAS

In combination with other anabolic steroids, the drug shows great efficiency. It is best to combine Test E with trenbolone, methandienone, and nandrolone. In this case, the dosage of the main steroid should not exceed 250 mg.

You can buy steroids for solo and combined cycles in our shop.

Reviews of Dragon Pharma’s Enantat 250

Enanthate belongs to the classic steroids that can be used by both novice athletes and experienced professionals. Thus, it’s no surprise that many athletes regularly leave positive reviews about their improving results, which get better and better throughout their steroid cycles.