Deca 300

(2 customer reviews) 144 sold


Substance: Nandrolone decanoate (Deca),
Packing: 10ml vial (300mg/ml),
Brand: Dragon Pharma

SKU: 708 Category:

Nandrolone Decanoate, sold under the brand name Deca-Durabolin among others, is an anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) medication which is used primarily to treat anaemia and wasting syndromes within patients. As well as its use for these important medical conditions, Nandrolone Decanoate is also used to treat osteoporosis mainly in menopausal women. Nandrolone Decanoate was first discovered in 1960 and was introduced for medical use purposes in 1962.

Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca) has been used for many years within the field of medicine. While having many abilities, this substance is highly recognised and favoured for the ability to provide such an impact on healthcare through healing properties within patients. Although this drug has been widely used as medication for many years, its properties have been recognised within the fitness industry as well as by physiotherapists for its pain relief properties.

The effects of Deca within the bodybuilding industry

Deca-Durabolin has been widely recognised within the world of bodybuilding and athletics for many years. The legend of bodybuilding, that is the great Arnold Schwarzenegger, used Deca for many years within his upcoming journey and stated that this was one of his most favourite steroids to use.

Being a relatively mild steroid which can provide so many great benefits to a user, is why this is so popular within the world of bodybuilding. Although Deca is both an Anabolic and androgenic steroid, its oestrogenic side effects are hardly even seen due to the fact that it hardly does not aromatise within the body. When users think of using steroids, the overall mass and muscle gain is what comes to mind. This is what Deca-Durabolin provides to a user and gives them a change in their physique that is said to be able to create a “monstrous” figure after a cycle of Deca is complete.

Although Deca allows water retention to be held within the body, this is very favourable to those athletes and body builders who want to gain overall mass and be able to take their physique to the next level. Water retention for somebody who is going for the “Bruce Lee” look and wants to define their muscles while staying very vascular is not very desirable. But for those people looking to grown in size and bulk up, before hitting a cutting phase, Deca is the main choice without a doubt! However, when your body is holding more water retention, this can be favourable towards the health of the body during cycles, especially when heavy lifting and intense stress is exerted to the body.

Deca is also widely used as a healing agent for people’s joints, ligaments and tendons. When Testosterone, along with other performance enhancing steroids, are used within the body to push your muscles to grow very fast, unfortunately your tendons and ligaments will not be able to keep up with this growth increase. This is due to tendons and ligaments having 1/8th of the available blood supply to that of the muscles. This means that your muscles can tear and repair much faster due to the increased blood flow they are provided with. Also when heavy strain is put on your joints by your rapidly growing muscles, this can cause an insult (stress) within the joints and lead to dry, clicking, achy joints. Deca also helps to keep your joints more lubricated to prevent damage or a decrease in the thickness of the cartilage within the joints, which in time can lead to thin cartilage, increased friction and even bring on such conditions as Rheumatoid Arthritis within the joints.

When users take Deca-Durabolin while on cutting cycles, which tends to dry out peoples joints from the lack of required water within the body. Deca is used in very small dosages to protect these vital areas but because the dose is so small, the user will not encounter any excess water retention around the body, which is their desired goal.

Deca-Durabolin dosages 

As we explained above, there are many different ways in which to use this great steroid, and depends on the users desired goals. Because Decanoate is a long acting ester (8-12 days), it is recommended that if using Deca for bulking purposes, a 12-16 week cycle would be best suited.

For beginner to intermediate cycle dosages of Deca, it is recommended to run this at 300-500mg per week. Please note that when running Deca, you must incorporate Testosterone as your base steroid to avoid a complete shutdown of your Testosterone levels.

For advanced users, Deca can be run as high as 600-800mg per week, but again it is advised to keep your Testosterone levels high alongside your levels of Deca to avoid problems.

For users who would like to use Deca for the joint and other protection purposes, a small dosage of 100mg per week is all that is needed. Please note if you are only running short cycles and are needing Nandrolone for protection purposes, then NPP (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate) is a shorter acting ester and will be better suited for the protection within shorter cycles. NPP can also be purchased on our website.

Safe use of Nandrolone Decanoate

The first step to ensure the safety of your health before administering any type of steroid, is to first read up about the product that you are going to use, and secondly to ensure the quality and validity of the desired product. Here at Clerkenwell-london, we provide the highest standard of products available in today’s market. We have made it our mission to select the best manufacturers to ensure that each and every product has been verified to the highest standard. Which is why you can use the unique codes provided on each product to check the validity of each product on the manufacturers website.

It is also important when using steroids to assess your tolerance levels and get to know how your body works, this is so that you can determine whether certain dosages work best for you and your body. It is recommended that tablet supplements are kept at arm’s length in case of any unwanted side effects that may present themselves. These supplements are;

• Arimidex (Anastrozole) – for any oestrogenic side effects;

• Cabergoline – for any progestin side effects;

• Proviron – to help support the natural function and upkeep of your natural Testosterone.

For administration, Deca-Durabolin injections are performed exclusively intramuscularly. Introduction of this steroid is carried out using a conventional medical syringe with a thin needle. The injections should be directed strictly into the muscle. The best place to inject is the buttock or “glute area”. This soft tissue, due to its thickness, is best suited for beginner athletes.

You must first select the dosage, then open the vial and carefully draw it into the syringe. Before the injection takes place, it is necessary to clean the site that you are injecting into and the needle itself with alcohol for sterilisation purposes. You should also release all of the air from the syringe, so that no air bubbles are visible. Nandrolone Decanoate is oil-based, which is difficult to administer without pre-heating it first within your hand, this helps loosen the oil and match the temperature to that of the body’s own temperature.

The process itself is best done slowly. Administering the oily substance, should be done smoothly and without any unnecessary movements, this is done so that damage to the blood vessels is avoided. After the introduction of this drug, it is necessary to apply a cotton swab with alcohol to ensure the site stays sterile.

For first-time users of injectable steroids, it is recommended that standing in front of a mirror to inject is the best way forward. By doing this, it allows the user to see exactly where to administer the injection and to be less nervous to actually inject into the muscle tissue. This method will also ensure that you inject the entire solution, before pulling the needle out. Once the syringe is empty and you have pulled the needle out from your glute muscle, it is recommended to take a tissue or clean hand towel and place it over the site (in case of minor bleeding).

In our online shop you can buy Nandrolone Decanoate in the UK. We aim to provide each of our customers consistently high quality Dragon Pharma products at an affordable price!




2 reviews for Deca 300

  1. Jason Martinez

    Ordered Geneza and Dragon Pharma’s products from clerkenwell-london and it was instantly delivered to my house. I’m still waiting for GP but overall clerkenwell-london is always awesome.

  2. Dane Francis

    This is the first product that I’ve tried from clerkenwell-london-com, but I can say that this is the best version of ND I’ve ever had. Blood work proves that clerkenwell-london-com is really true. The solutions are amazing! I like this product and I’ll place an order again in 2 weeks. clerkenwell-london-com never disappoints. I appreciate the things that they do for the anabolic community. Highly rated.

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