Cut Mix 150

(1 customer review) 13 sold


Substance: Drostanolone propionate, Trenbolone acetate, Testosterone propionate,
Packing: 10ml vial (150mg/ml),
Brand: Dragon Pharma

SKU: 709 Category:

 drostanolone propionate, trenbolone acetate, and testosterone propionate are the active ingredients in Cut Mix 150, a highly potent anabolic steroid.

Bodybuilders, athletes, and sports professionals are well aware of the potent effects of this testosterone ester mixture, and they frequently have favourable things to say about Dragon Pharma’s Cut Mix 150 because of its effects on rapid muscle growth and physical strength.

The original purpose of Dragon Pharma Cut Mix 150 was to treat low internal testosterone production in the medical field. The final stage of competition preparation is now when athletes use it most frequently.

The positive characteristics of each ingredient in this injectable steroid mixture are well-known.

  • 50mg drostanolone propionate 

An anabolic androgenic steroid with a short half-life.

  • 50mg trenbolone acetate 

a quickly excreted from the body highly effective anabolic steroid.

  • 50mg testosterone propionate 

an extremely brief ester that the body can start using within the first 30 minutes of administration. The drug is very well-liked by bodybuilders due to its brief half-life.

Read also about Sustanon 250 info article

Properties and effects of Cut Mix 150

The following advantages are cited by athletes and bodybuilders:

  • A bigger appetite;
  • Improves libido;
  • Enhances the body’s defence mechanisms;
  • Reduces the rate of protein deterioration.
  • Causes a discernible increase in the growth of muscle.
  • An increase in signs of power and strength;
  • By encouraging quick oxygen migration, it improves endurance and performance;
  • It considerably lessens fat deposits;

Steroid mix 150 application and dosage

It’s crucial to calculate the right testosterone mixture dose. Men who engage in athletic activity should take 150–300 mg per week. 

Strength and lean muscle mass are significantly increased with this dosage. It is used by bodybuilders and men who prefer strength sports to increase their strength.

Cut Mix 150 can be administered once weekly for three weeks, but many athletes choose to administer it twice a week to achieve the best peak blood concentration levels. The cycle lasts, on average, between six and eight weeks.

Injection frequency is crucial because of this. The difficulty in figuring out the ideal frequency of administration makes it potentially difficult. Athletes must develop the skills and knowledge necessary to determine what works best for them.

Side effects from this steroid blend 

The drug is not advised for female athletes due to the high risk of developing male characteristics (excessive hair growth, the development of a deep voice, and a change in body shape to the male type).

When beginning a cycle with this steroid, an athlete should be ready for both androgenic and progestogenic side effects, such as acne, insomnia, aggression, decreased testosterone production, gynecomastia, etc. It is recommended to include cabergoline or other comparable medications in the cycle because they can reduce or eliminate the side effects of progestogen reactions. Gonadotropin and Proviron should also be a part of the cycle.

Even though this is completely normal during the steroid cycle, if you use Cut Mix 150 for longer than two to three weeks, your body’s ability to produce its male sex hormone is completely suppressed.

You should use the proper post-cycle therapy after finishing Cut Mix 150 to boost your testosterone production and prevent side effects like gynecomastia and testicular atrophy.

Combination with other AAS

Many people find that the results they get from using the drug alone are more than adequate, but some still prefer to combine it with other substances like Turinabol, Methenolone, Oxandrolone, etc.

Reviews of Dragon Pharma Cut Mix 150

Although these three substances can be bought separately, customers who purchase Dragon’s Cut Mix 150 state in their reviews that using this multi-compound mix has many advantages, including a generally lower price, a reduction in the number of injections needed, and stable concentration levels of each substance.




1 review for Cut Mix 150

  1. Trenton Joseph

    I’m on my 4th week in using this product and Ive already gained a total of 10 lbs of lean muscle and I feel that my strength has increased. This is a really great product! I’ll be long term customer without a doubt!

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