

Substance: Boldenone undecylenate (Equipoise),
Packing: 10ml vial (300mg/ml),
Brand: Maxtreme

SKU: 543 Category: Tag:

Boldenone Undecylenate, also known as Equipoise, is considered a fairly popular drug which is widely used today. It has moderate progestogenic activity. Its anabolic effect is 100% of testosterone. It has a complete lack of effect on the liver. Its androgenic effects are 50% of testosterone.

Positive qualities of Boldenone

With Boldenone Undecylenate, it’s possible to gain the following effects from a cycle:

  • Muscle growth;
  • Increase stamina and strength indicators;
  • Strengthening inert tissue;
  • Burning subcutaneous fat;
  • Increase in speed capabilities;
  • Increase in sexual activity, increased libido;
  • Increased appetite;
  • Increased motivation for training;
  • Strengthening immunity;
  • Normalization of the general tone of the body.

Method of administration and dosage of Boldenone

On average, a cycle of Boldenone Undecylenate should be up to ten weeks, taking into account the fact that men should take 400-800mg of the drug per week, and women should take 50-100mg. At first, you will need to take the drug in small dosages, because it is very important to feel what is happening to your body. If you are dealing with a drug for the first time, then its tolerance should be very well monitored.

To improve their performance in sports, athletes often use various anabolic drugs in combination with Equipoise. Very often, Winstrol, Anavar, testosterone and Trenbolone are used. They will help you dry out faster and consolidate what you have acquired, as well as adapt the body to new loads and activities. If you combine these drugs with exercising in the gym, you will definitely get positive results. However, it is very important to observe the dosage of the drug, to avoid any kind of negative effects.

Side effects of Equipoise

Negative effects of Boldenone may include the suppression of the production of the body’s own testosterone. However, at low doses for 3-4 weeks, this cannot be called significant. Plus, after the end of the cycle, a rapid restoration of secretion is possible. If the drug is used in a solo cycle, a noticeable decrease in libido, increased blood thickness and acne may appear.


Boldenone’s reviews show that the drug really has a fairly strong androgenic effect, thanks to which an athlete can increase their athletic performance. The price of Boldenone Undecylenate, especially in our online shop, allows all athletes to use this drug.





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