Anavar 10


Substance: Oxandrolone (Anavar),
Packing: 10mg (100 pills),
Brand: Dragon Pharma

SKU: 767 Category:

Anavar is an anabolic substance manufactured by the world-famous company Dragon Pharma. Anavar for sale was originally created to strengthen the immune system in patients with AIDS or HIV, but due to its characteristics, it gained high popularity within the world of bodybuilding. The reason for the high demand for anavar uk in bodybuilding is its high anabolic and relatively low androgenic index ratings.

The effect of Oxandrolone

According to athletes, in just 6 weeks of running the course of Oxandrolone, you can add up to 3kg of lean muscle mass and also by increasing the secretion of growth hormone, it is perfect for people who are on calorie deficit diets or are “drying” in general. In addition to the fact that after the course there is no rollback or muscle loss and in parallel with gaining muscle mass and fat burning, Oxandrolone will also provide:

• Increase strength parameters;

• Increase productivity and endurance levels;

• Improved muscle definition;

• Strengthens the immune system.

How to take Anavar?

Oxandrolone can be used by athletes from the age of 17. This makes it possible for adolescents and women to use this drug without running into any side effects. If you are a beginner, the optimal daily dosage is 60mg of Oxandrolone per day.

Due to Anavar holding an active half-life time of roughly 8 hours, it is advised to split the daily dosage up into two parts. This means you should consume half of your daily dose in the morning and half of your daily dose in the evening. Some athletes like to consume their dosage in three parts, but due to the 3rd dose being taken in the early hours, many athletes stick to taking their Oxandrolone twice daily. 

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The optimal administration scheme is as follows:

– After waking up, consume 20mg (2 tablets) of Oxandrolone;

– The next reception is carried out 8 hours after (2 more tablets);

– The final 2 tablets we drink at night, before bedtime (if possible);

– It is best to take the drug during or after meals with water.

Important Notice! Once you have found the correct intake scheme, you should not change the sequence of administration, since this scheme allows you to ensure that the drug enters your body evenly without any jumps in blood concentration levels.

On the course, we also recommend using: BCAA, protein, gainer and vitamin complexes.

Do not forget that if you follow a well-designed diet and train 3-4 times a week, you will achieve the maximum results from the course. After a course of Oxandrolone, you will need to complete PCT (Post-cycle therapy) in order to restore your hormones to their normal values. PCT should be started the day after the last pill is taken and run for 3 weeks in duration or more (Depends on analyses and course duration).

If you are a beginner, we recommend using the ready-made solo course of Oxandrolone. This course will perfectly show itself in the recruitment of lean muscle mass and the improvement of strength indicators. Also, during the course, you can noticeably dry out (up to 3% of adipose tissue per course). If you want to make your own individual course, remember that Oxandrolone works well with all types of anabolic steroids but due to its properties, it is best suited within other cutting of “drying” compounds.

Read more about Anavar Side Effects

Oxandrolone’s side effects

As with any other anabolic, if you do not exceed the recommended dosages and follow the dosage regimen, then these side effects will not affect you. Oxandrolone is clinically proven to cause no side effects at dosages up to 80mg per day. If you suddenly decide to increase the dosage, then be prepared for the potential following side effects:

• Testicular atrophy;

• Sluggish erections;

• Hypertrophy of the prostate;

• Nausea;

• Increased BP.

In general, if you do not have a predisposition to side effects and your tests are normal, then you don’t have to be afraid of these side effects. Furthermore, if you are worried, we also sell preventative substances in order to prevent these effects “if” they occur. Generally, Furosemide and hCG will prevent the high blood pressure and natural shut downs from ever occurring, even when taken at higher dosages. 

Read more about Anavar cycle

Where to buy Anavar?

You can purchase Anavar within our online shop of anabolic steroids here at and find this substance at an affordable price. We guarantee only confidence for our customers by stocking only original and genuine substances from Dragon Pharma, which can be verified from the unique codes that are found on each product. These codes can be used to verify the product via the main manufacturers official website to ensure the validity of our genuine substances.





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