Alphabolin (vial)


Substance: Methenolone enanthate (Primobolan depot),
Packing: 10ml vial (100mg/ml),
Brand: Alpha Pharma

SKU: 582 Category:

A medication with a mild androgenic effect, Alphabolin is available from the Indian pharmaceutical producer Alpha Pharma.

The ester in this injectable form of methenolone enanthate (Primobolan depot) affects cellular structures over the long term.

The active phase of Alphabolin lasts for about two weeks. Methenolone enanthate is rarely used for weight gain because it has a mild anabolic effect. The drug is typically taken as part of regimens for weight maintenance or drying.

The Primobolan depot from Alpha Pharma does not result in a rollback at the end of the cycle and has no side effects related to aromatization (gynecomastia, formation of fat deposits, swelling). It does not cause masculinization or water retention in women and is therefore safe for them to use.

This tool can help some athletes gain more muscle mass, especially if a lengthy programme is followed for 10 weeks. Although muscles grow slowly, the end product is more stable and high-quality. Primobolan’s mass collection is retained for a longer period, is drier, and is embossed.

Properties and effects of Primobolan

  • Prevents bloating and excess fat
  • Enhances the quality and definition of muscles
  • When combined with boldenone, exhibits high effectiveness, enabling you to significantly increase your muscle mass
  • Has a minor impact on testosterone’s natural production
  • Suitable for use by female athletes with experience
  • Non-hepatotoxic
  • Has no aromatizing effect.

Primobolan depot application and dosage

Due to the drug’s long-term effects, injections of the medication are only occasionally required. A 200–400 mg injection can be taken once every seven days. In consultation with a professional in the field of sports pharmacology, the dosage must be chosen based on the individual’s characteristics. A higher dosage of Primobolan won’t make it more effective, but it might make side effects more likely. It is advised that women stick to weekly dosages of up to 100mg.

Primobolan should only be used for 8 to 12 weeks at the most. When taken by women, the medication should only be taken for 4 to 8 weeks because it is harmful during pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects from Methenolone Enanthate

People with chronic renal and liver disorders should not use Primobolan. The medicine is essentially innocuous and does not affect the internal organs when used in moderation and for the recommended cycle length.

Combination with other AAS

To increase muscle mass, Primobolan is frequently combined with Nandrolone, Sustanon, and Dianabol. It is used in conjunction with Stanozolol (Winstrol) for drying purposes.

Reviews of Alphabolin

Primobolan by Alpha Pharma is a safe substance that is simple to recommend to beginners in bodybuilding for the gradual development of high-quality, defined mass. The “pros” use it to maintain weight, so it is appropriate for experienced athletes.





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