Rexogin (vial)

(5 customer reviews) 35 sold


Substance: Stanozolol injection (Winstrol depot),
Packing: 10ml vial (50mg/ml),
Brand: Alpha Pharma

SKU: 595 Category:


Rexogin from the manufacturer Alpha Pharma is an injectable steroid containing the active ingredient Stanozolol. Many steroid users will know this substance by the name Winstrol which is more popular to be taken orally in tablets. Injectable Winstrol is less popular than oral Winstrol but not because it is less effective.

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In fact, Winstrol injectable is much more potent which is why it is typically only advanced steroid users and professional bodybuilders who buy Winstrol in injections. Additionally, the water-based solution of the steroid requires experience in steroid use and may be uncomfortable for regular users.

Winstrol before and after results

One of the main benefits of Winstrol is its ability to suck excess fluid from the body leaving the muscles looking dry and pronounced. It is one of the only steroids that has this kind of diuretic effect and this makes it in extremely high demand for cycles leading up to a bodybuilding competition. This is also due to the steroids fast action so Winstrol results after 2 weeks will be enough to wow the judges.

As well as water, Winstrol will also help to remove fat stores which adds to the firm look of the muscles after the cycle. Other noticeable effects of Winstrol include a dramatic strength increase and longer endurance, which both aid in the process of building lean muscle.

Read more about Winstrol before and after results

Winstrol cycle lengths and dosages

Due to the short half-life, the drug must be administered daily or at least every other day. Most users will opt for every-other-day injections due to the pain that is associated with Winstrol injections. In this case, Winstrol dosages are typically from 50 to 100 milligrams every other day.

As stated, a Winstrol cycle does not have to last long to produce outstanding results. The recommended length is 4 to 6 weeks. Anything longer is not advised due to the potency of the steroid and there is a high risk of experiencing Winstrol side effects after this time.

Most athletes with AAS experience prefer to buy Winstrol for combined cycles. There are several steroids Winstrol can be stacked with for drying cycles. For this, pay attention to Testosterone Suspension, Testosterone Propionate, Trenbolone Acetate, Nandrolone Phenylpropionate, Masteron and Primobolan.

If you want to add Winstrol to a bulking cycle to improve the quality of the muscle mass gained, you can combine it with long ester compounds of Testosterone, Nandrolone, Trenbolone, and Methandienone.

Injectable Winstrol side effects

The most common side effect of Winstrol is a negative effect on joints and ligaments related to the removal of excess fluid from the body. This process dries out these areas which can cause them to become sore after intense workouts. It is advised to take substances like fish oil before and after Winstrol use to help reduce soreness in the joints. Stacking Winstrol with lubricating steroids like NPP will also help.

The other side effects of injectable Winstrol are mostly related to the injections themselves. Any water-based steroid has a higher risk of causing pain or inflammation at the injection site but learning to inject the steroid in a proper way will reduce this risk.

Read more about Side effects of Winstrol

Winstrol Reviews

After studying reviews, buying online Winstrol in the form of an aqueous suspension does not have any particular advantages over oral Stanozolol for new users. Many reviews will also compare the effects of Anavar vs Winstrol for drying cycles, but Winstrol will always be the most effective in this case.